Christmas, general, hand-crafted, Snow, stampin up, stamping

WHAT? It’s HOW many days until Christmas?

Yep – it’s that time of year and it’s beginning to look a lot like it, too.  What time, you ask?  Time to get serious about making all those hand-crafted gifts you swore in January that you would be making this year.   Let’s be honest, we all do it. Every. Year.  Well, let this be the year that you make good on those intentions. How can you do it?  Well, let me help.

HANDCRAFTED – Take this chance to create a personalized gift for that lucky recipient by customizing one of the great kits from Stampin’ Up! or one of the Memories and More scrapbook albums.  What a great gift to receive, a pre-made photo album waiting for me to drop in my photos from Instagram and FaceBook.  The possibilities are ENDLESS!!

KIT IT UP! – Another way to enjoy the great kits from Stampin’ Up! is to gift them.  Here’s what you do.  Order a kit for each of the friends on your list, and one for you.  Invite all of your friends over for a Girls Night Out.  At the end of the evening, you have given your Christmas gift to your friends, and you have had a great time together.  Time well spent laughing with friends and making memories is priceless.

PLAN AHEAD – The third and easiest way to infuse hand-crafted charm is to actually hand-craft part it.  Starting this early, you will be able to knock out hand-crafted Christmas cards and have plenty of time to spare.  And, as a bonus, if you send hand-made cards, you will get a pass on the declaration that ‘this Christmas was going to be 100% hand-crafted’.  At least you cards will be.

Be sure and check out the new Holiday Catalog (available here).  In there, you will find an awesome ‘watercolor’ Christmas card kit and other supplies to help you put a little jingle in your step.

And, just for the record, there are 146 days until Christmas on August 1.

Keep on Dreaming (in Color)!


cards, Cardstock, DSP, general, stampin up, stamping, thinlit

Monday Funday

Good Morning, or afternoon, or evening, depending on when you see this.  I am starting a new series of videos highlighting new products in the 2017-2018 catalog, showcasing some tried and true techniques, sharing some videos by other demonstrators, and possibly even a video of my own.

The first video in this series highlights the Color Theory Suite in the new catalog.  If you are new to stamping or paper crafting, this is a great initial investment.  There are papers, stamps, thinlets, Memories and More cards and embellishments for all of our seasons.

A link to the video is here:


July 20 – Don’t forget the Monthly Card Club.  RSVP here here or on my Facebook page.

July 22 – Extended Workshop (1-5 PM) Planner Love. RSVP here here or on my Facebook page.

DSP, Eastern Palace, general, stampin up, stamping, thinlit

SU OnStage Shreveport

Wow!  What a great weekend I just spent with my fellow Stampin’ Up Demonstators in Shreveport, Louisiana getting a sneak peek to the new 2017-2018 Annual Catalog.  There were excellent presentations, inspiring stories about demonstrators difference, and ingenious projects explained.   I can’t wait to share with you all of these fun cards, 3-D projects, and even scrapbook pages.

The first thing we are going to work on is the Eastern Palace Suite.   It is a beautiful collection of teals, greens, burgundy, and a gold accent.   It is just breathtaking.   The whole suite includes detailed Thinlit Dies, Tassles, 12×12 designer series paper, and, of course, Stamps.

This photo is a card my friend Elizabeth made from this suite.   Aren’t these colors “to die for”?  I will have card Class on May 27 at 6:30.  The class fee is $15 (or free with a minimum purchase).   RSVP at this link:

Eastern Palace Suite